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Suggestions on constructing a grid service management system, based on Beijing and Shanxi provincial survey (No 147, 2014)

Nov 13,2014

Social governance improvement and innovation research team, written by Li Ang, Yang Weifu, and Niu Jiaru, Institute of Public Administration and Human Resources, Development Research Center of the State Council (DRC)

Report No 147, 2014 (Total 4646)


Grid service management refers to a digital service management model for certain areas that makes full use of modern digital information grid technology, for example, electronic maps, to bring together many factors, including people, places, things, organizations, and social service resources for systematic, fine tuning. This promotes administrative management, improves social problem response, and improves efficiency. In developing a grid service management system the focus should be on the grassroots level, mainly communities or villages, then go up to the block or township level, county or district, and then the city level. Some areas, such as Beijing and Shanxi province, have already developed grid service management models that suit their needs and break down the barriers between higher and lower levels or between different departments and regions over the past few years, however, there are still some urgent contradictions that call for solutions in multiple areas, such as a lack of top-down deployment, unclear rights and responsibilities, various communication obstructions and a lack of guarantees.