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Basic Facts, Core Features and Policy Enlightenment of Population Mobility in China (Special Issue, No.39, 2019)

Jul 03,2019

By Zhou Lingling, Research Team on “Research on the Participation of Community Governance by Non-Registered Permanent Urban Residents,” Institute of Public Administration and Human Resources, DRC

Research Report, Special Issue, No.39, 2019 (Total 1667) 2019-5-28

Abstract: The major trend of cross-regional population mobility is still featured by eastward flow from backward to developed regions. Some provinces have seen net outflow of population while there are also regions witnessing more population inflow. Urban city clusters are core areas towards which population flows, while population in cities has become increasingly diversified. In terms of trends, the size and growth rate of population will inevitably enter a slowdown phase as population structure changes although people are still moving towards large cities. Population mobility is mainly driven by people’s entrance into cities for finding jobs and conducting business activities. Meanwhile, new generations have gradually become major groups in the population flow and migrants’ willingness to stay and settle down with their families in cities is increasing. As a case in practice, Guangdong Province has established management models with information interaction, real-time registration and effective recording of the actual population. The province has also developed special management organizations providing services for mobile population, achieving joint management of inflow population with good results. In the future, the authorities need to focus on improving household registration system and public services, deepen the reform of urban management systems and social policies and steadily turn rural migrants into urban residents.

Key words: population flow, urban management, social governance, public service