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Zhang Qi

Impact and strategies of China's participation in global governance and regional cooperation


China has made positive progress in participating in regional economic cooperation and global governance.

The main obstacles in the investments among China, Japan, and Republic of Korea and policy suggestions


Among the research of economic cooperation among China, Japan and Republic of Korea, investigation of enterprise is an important part.

Experiences and enlightenment drawn from economic integration of less developed member States of EU


Greece, Spain and Portugal joined EEC quite late compared with other states.

Policies and system designs for the changing function of bonded areas


With regard to the shifting of bonded areas towards free trade zones, the relevant policies and system designs should refer to the international successful experiences of FTZ.

The trade obstacles and problems facing Chinese enterprises trading with Japan and Republic of Korea (ROK)


Questionnaire survey and interviews with the enterprises to solicit the views and suggestions from Chinese enterprises engaging in trade with Japan and Republic of Korea (ROK).

Actively promoting trade facilitation among China, Japan and Republic of Korea


The Chinese research team carried out interviews with over 50 enterprises in Qingdao, Yintai and Dailiang that are engaged in trade with Japan and Republic of Korea.

Promoting Sino-Russian banking cooperation to break the bottleneck impeding bilateral economic and trade development


Over the past few years, Sino-Russian economic and trade relations have developed rapidly and the bilateral trade volume has topped the historical high for three consecutive years.