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Working Papers

Targets and ways for development of shale gas during 13th Five-Year Plan Period (No 26, 2015)


China has, in the field of shale gas development, made great achievement in evaluation of resource potentiality, core technology, equipment system and enhancement of basic theory.

The use of reclaimed water in cities: Major restraints and countermeasures (No 25, 2015)


Reclaimed water, also known as the "second urban water resources", plays an important role in solving problems such as water shortage and pollution to water environment.

Deliberations on environmental management and reform under the new circumstances (No 24, 2015)


In the 13th Five-Year Plan period, China's economy will perform in a state of new normal in which opportunities of environmental management will coexist with challenges.

Building Shenzhen-HK eco-community as leading livable cities (No 13, 2015)


An eco-community is an important part of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong urban integration strategy.

Suggestions on increased pollution control in China's dyeing and printing industries (No 156, 2014)


China's printing and dyeing industry has an important role in its textile industry.

Major problems in China's rainwater utilization and how to deal with them (No 155, 2014)


Rainwater utilization is important in dealing with urban water shortages and flooding, and for improving the urban environment.

Pushing forward natural gas pricing reforms (No 148, 2014)


The current natural gas pricing policy has a price adjustment mechanism that takes the supply-demand relationship and scarcity of resources into consideration.